I have 2 input field, and I want to filter the table against the 2 input fields using OR instead of And.
However I'm unable to do it with the code below, the table return all field regardless what I type in the input, anyone can help me with it?
<script type="text/javascript">
function checking($scope) {
$scope.check = function(tableField,input) {
if (input.type == "or"){
if (tableField.name.indexOf(input.name) > -1 || input.name == null || tableField.created_by.indexOf(input.createdby) > -1 || input.createdby == null ){
return true
return false
<table ng-table="table">
<tr ng-repeat="car in cars" ng-controller="checking" ng-show="check(car,externalFilters)">
<td data-title="'Name'">
<td data-title="'Created by'">
{{ car.created_by || 'unknown' }}