Hi all
I have a function which takes a combobox and a storedProcedure name, and populates the combo from a SQLdataReader object, something like this :
public static void LoadComboData(ComboBox cboToPopulate,string procName,Paras p,SqlConnection sqlConn,string displayField,string itemField,LoadDataForComponent.DataType dataType,int startIndex)
SqlDataReader sqlData = StoredProcedure.GetDataReader(procName,p,sqlConn);
cboToPopulate.DisplayMember = DISP_MEMBER;
cboToPopulate.ValueMember = VALUE_MEMBER;
int looper;
AddItemsToIList (cboToPopulate.Items,sqlData,displayField,itemField,dataType,out looper);
cboToPopulate.EndUpdate ();
if ((startIndex>-1) && (looper>0))
Recently, I needed a function to populate a ListBox in the same way. Now I noticed that the Combo and the Listbox have the same method calls (BeginUpdate, .Items.Clear, DisplayMember, ValueMember, EndUpdate), so I thought there must be a way of just using one function and having a generic object to handle them both. However, although I think this should be possible, I don't know how to do it. What I have done, is rip out the actualt populating routine so I pass an IList object from both functions). But can someone help in writing a single function that handles both objects? Or is it not possible? Thanks in advance