
getwindowthreadprocessid returns 0 for Excel process

Problem - In windows service we are creating excel object and after that killing that Excel object. However everytimegetwindowthreadprocessid method returns 0 and process cannot be killed. We need to kill only specific instance of that process so we cannot use GetProcessByName.

If i select Local user account and check "Allow service to interact with desktop" it works for me. However we do not want local account to be used.

Solutions tried :

1) We have added desktop folder in c:\windows\system32\Config\systemprofile\desktop and given full control to account we are using -Not worked

2) We have given permission to access userdll32.dll to user accont we are using.Not worked


Private Sub KillExcelProcess(ByRef xlApp As Excel.Application)       

                GetWindowThreadProcessId(CType(hwnd, IntPtr), excelProcessId)
  Dim procs As Process() = Process.GetProcessesByName("EXCEL")

                For Each p As Process In procs
                    If p.Id = excelProcessId Then
                    End If
            End If
< DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError:=True)> _

        Private Shared Function GetWindowThreadProcessId(ByVal hwnd As IntPtr, _

                                         ByRef lpdwProcessId As Integer) As Integer

        End Function