got problem with the code
using System;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
namespace workflowTool
/// Summary description for LinkedList.
public class LinkedList
internal class Node
internal object m_ObjectToStore;
internal Node m_Next;
internal Node m_Previous;
public Node(object objectToStore)
m_ObjectToStore = objectToStore;
Node m_First;
internal uint m_uiNumOfObjects;
// These members are used to optimize enumeration. Another way could have been to
// iterate till required node is found (which is costly).
internal long m_lLastAccessed;
internal Node m_LastAccessed;
public LinkedList()
// TODO: Add constructor logic here
m_First = null;
m_uiNumOfObjects = 0;
m_lLastAccessed = -1;
public void AddToEnd(object objToAdd)
if (m_First == null)
m_First = new Node(objToAdd);
m_First.m_Next = m_First;
m_First.m_Previous = m_First;
Node newNode = new Node(objToAdd);
// Get the previous node.
Node last = m_First.m_Previous;
newNode.m_Next = last.m_Next;
newNode.m_Previous = last.m_Previous;
last.m_Next = newNode;
m_First.m_Previous = newNode;
public void Clear()
m_First = null;
m_uiNumOfObjects = 0;
m_lLastAccessed = -1;
public uint Count
return m_uiNumOfObjects;
public object this[uint uiIndex]
if (m_LastAccessed == null)
m_LastAccessed = m_First;
m_lLastAccessed = 0;
return m_First.m_ObjectToStore;
if (uiIndex < 0 || uiIndex >= m_uiNumOfObjects)
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();
m_LastAccessed = m_LastAccessed.m_Next;
return m_LastAccessed.m_ObjectToStore;
sorry for not specified to you last time.i want to know what is enumeration?
this part of the code is use to do what?
public object this[uint uiIndex]
if (m_LastAccessed == null)
m_LastAccessed = m_First;
m_lLastAccessed = 0;
return m_First.m_ObjectToStore;
if (uiIndex < 0 || uiIndex >= m_uiNumOfObjects)
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();
m_LastAccessed = m_LastAccessed.m_Next;
return m_LastAccessed.m_ObjectToStore;
if i want to add a move code inside the linked list class how can i add it.i still cannot move the object from one location2another.