
Having Issues with Select statements dealing with checkboxes

Mac Weigle

Mac Weigle

I am trying to create a form that accesses Microsoft SQL Database Studio and allows a user to add, search, update and delete records. I am having trouble dealing with checkboxes however. Whenever I search by just text and have no checkbox reference in the where clause , I get back the correct results along with the correct check boxes being checked. If I add a checkbox reference in the where clause however , every sql search focuses on the checkbox part , so if I type anything in the text boxes and dont check checkboxes , I get no results. Any idea what I am doing wrong here? Also even with no checkboxes in the where clause , I get back the correct results and checkboxes , but not without getting the "no record found" message before getting the results. The issue is within the btn_search.

Attachment: WindowsFormsApp1.zip

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