
Help cleaning up C# code (WMI)

Tyler Adams

Tyler Adams


I'm building an InfoPath form that is going to query the users system using WMI so that we can start to do an inventory of a users systems and submit that information to SharePoint.

I'm using the WMI code creator tool from Microsoft to get my code samples in C#.  I've got the code to work for me so far, but it's starting to look really ugly.  i know there's got to be a way to clean up the code.  Unfortunately I'm not a code person, I just pick code samples and beat them up until i get them to work, but have no finesse, if someone could help me clean up the code a bit i would really appreciate it.

here's the code (I'm going to be querying a bunch more hardware so i wanted to get this cleaned up early on, once i see how it's done I could work on it from there.)

using Microsoft.Office.InfoPath;

using System;

using System.Xml;

using System.Xml.XPath;

using System.Management;

//using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace Inventory_Rev1


public partial class FormCode


// Member variables are not supported in browser-enabled forms.

// Instead, write and read these values from the FormState

// dictionary using code such as the following:


// private object _memberVariable

// {

// get

// {

// return FormState["_memberVariable"];

// }

// set

// {

// FormState["_memberVariable"] = value;

// }

// }

// NOTE: The following procedure is required by Microsoft Office InfoPath.

// It can be modified using Microsoft Office InfoPath.

public void InternalStartup()


EventManager.FormEvents.Loading += new LoadingEventHandler(FormEvents_Loading);


public void FormEvents_Loading(object sender, LoadingEventArgs e)


ManagementObjectSearcher searcherRAM =

new ManagementObjectSearcher("root\\CIMV2",

"SELECT * FROM Win32_PhysicalMemory");

//ManagementObjectCollection oReturnCollection = searcher.Get();

ManagementObjectSearcher searcherDisplay =

new ManagementObjectSearcher("root\\CIMV2",

"SELECT * FROM Win32_VideoController");

ManagementObjectSearcher searcherAudio =

new ManagementObjectSearcher("root\\CIMV2",

"SELECT * FROM Win32_SoundDevice");

ManagementObjectSearcher searcherNIC =

new ManagementObjectSearcher("root\\CIMV2",

"SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapter");

//Display Audio Controller Information

foreach (ManagementObject queryObj in searcherAudio.Get())


string audioController = queryObj["Name"].ToString();

// Create an XPathNavigator to walk the main data source

// of the form.

XPathNavigator xnMyForm = this.CreateNavigator();

XmlNamespaceManager ns = this.NamespaceManager;

xnMyForm.SelectSingleNode("/my:myFields/my:SoundCard", ns).SetValue(audioController);


//Display Video Controller Information

foreach (ManagementObject queryObj in searcherDisplay.Get())


string displayAdapter = queryObj["Name"].ToString();

// Create an XPathNavigator to walk the main data source

// of the form.

XPathNavigator xnMyForm = this.CreateNavigator();

XmlNamespaceManager ns = this.NamespaceManager;

xnMyForm.SelectSingleNode("/my:myFields/my:VideoAdapter", ns).SetValue(displayAdapter);





Any help is appreciated!!!!!