
Help in decision for C# development.

Rui Ruivo

Rui Ruivo

The situation I am in is certainly not new for most of you so I hope you can help me figure out what best choice I should make.
I do have some personal background in C#, visual basic and Java from a long time.
I am now building a new software in my free time that I know will require a lot more work and development and hopefully will launch me into a new level of knowledge.
Still at the beginning I am facing a few difficulties that are making me rethink my strategy.
Simple and trait forward I was considering Visual Studio C# and build button by button and code by code, unfortunately I am facing difficulties in understanding some of the main concepts that I never studied...
Question is:
Should I keep it this way in a visual style or should I go hardcore with a closer approach on a code base (whiteout visual forms) wish will probably require me to study C# from the ground up a lot more than before.
And if I go with a writing style, would it be better to actually switch to Java and make it multi-platform?
Please help me go thru this major decision that every professional developer has to go in life.
Best regards
Thank you
Answers (1)