
Hi! How to create wordsearch game in c#?

Help me! I have a proiect about wordsearch and i don't know how to create this . Thank you!
Answers (2)
Daniela Soltuz

Daniela Soltuz

NA 13 449 7y
In a square with n lines and n columns will randomly generate letters so that among these can be found in p words, as in the example below. The words will be generated randomly according to the user's specifications (language, category, maximum number of characters,minimum number of characters) in the configuration window. Words can be written horizontally, onvertical or diagonal in any direction. Made in C # used visual studio. Please help me!
Shakti Singh Dulawat

Shakti Singh Dulawat

NA 6.4k 126.9k 7y
Dear Daniel,
First try to figure out how you are going to start this? I belive you want to search word from databae or a huge text box?
Once you have those answer you can hit search SQL or LINQ search to cover up this task.