
how can get result for following method in sql server

Hi friends,
A) mark details table contain following column
1.markid, 2.Examid,3.subjectid,4.admissionnumber,5.markobtained,6.classid 7.mark
B) Subject_registration contain
1.subjectid 2.subjectname and etc.
C) class_details contain
1.classid,2.classname and etc

D) studentAdmission_table contains
1.admissionnumber,2.studentname and etc
E) Rollnumber_details contain
1.admissionnumber 2.rollnumber and etc.
from mark_details I want to select data as

AdmissionNumber Rollnumber Name subject1 subject2 subject3

for particular class.
which method is useful for getting answer.In this cases based on the class subjectName and no.of subject could be changed. I am very new to this. please help me
Thank you
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