In my web application, i need to bind bar chart from data table
my data table
Month Charges Payments
Aug-2016 20,000 34,566
july-2016 30,000 20,000
june-2016 40,000 60,000
May-2016 20,000 50,000
Aprial-2016 50,000 30,000
march-2016 20,000 10,000
feb-2016 30,000 5,000
Jan-2016 15,000 4,000
In that "Charges and Payments" are the Two series display on chart area based on "Month" column i need to display "Charges and Payments" separately in one chart after completed "charge" series and i get started "Payment" series should be display.i need to display the series in differently on one chart. but i don't need x-axis line on the indicating the points they will be show like a legends i have chart image sample example can anyone please tell me is it possible to do same chart like that
Here my chart image is i need same like this can anyone please tell me
Thank you