How do I refresh designed forms after a controls library is rebuilt?
Hi All,
I have prepared a library of controls (say MyControls.dll) extended from Windows Form Controls (Button, TextBox, etc). These extended controls are then placed on forms at design time.
When I make any changes in the visual properties of my extended controls (BackColor, etc) and rebuild MyControls.dll, I want the controls put on the designed forms to reflect these changes (i.e. if I have already put MyButton1 on a form, then I want it to now show the new BackColor).
How do I achieve this?
-- I have traced the problem to InitializeComponent() in "Windows Form Designer generated code"
-- All attributes set in the InitializeComponent() of MyButton (BackColor, etc) are again set in the InitializeComponent() of the form once a MyButton is placed on it
-- When I change the original MyButton (and rebuild MyControls.dll), the attributes for MyButton controls in InitializeComponent() of the form DO NOT change! (Hence the problem)
Please help!!!
Thanks and Regards