how to create api and use creating Web API like Twitter API
I am developing a project where user will come and write their opinions
and comments on some employers with their scores such as good, bad,
excellent, etc. and this data needs to be shown on all the clients
websites with those actual data with the scores e.g. good, bad,
excellent, etc. for example I have got 100 employers in the database and
all the employees of those 100 companies will come and write their
scores on a single website and then my role is to show the real data
related to that particular company to their website. And I am not
allowed to show the x company;s data on y company's website. Meaning
thereby, XYZ-employer should get the real data related to XYZ employer
and not of the ABC employer and ABC employer should get only ABC related
So how would I perform that functionality? what are the possible
alternatives or the different different methods for achieving that.
Will it be like creating Web API like Twitter API or Facebook API? which
shows the likes or tweets related to that login account.
Please suggest ASAP. Thanks in advance.