How to define Endpoints for multiple service contracts(interfaces) implemented in separate classes ?
I have taken a WCFService library in which I have defined multipled service contracts(interfaces) in separate cs files and implemented them separately. For example ..
public interface IService1
string GetService1Msg();
public interface IService2
string GetService2Msg();
I have defined above interfaces in separate cs files.
Now I have implemented them separately as follows.
//this is Service1.cs file
public class Service1 : IService1
string GetService1Msg()
retutn "Service1";
//this is Service2.cs file
public class Service2 : IService2
string GetService2Msg()
retutn "Service2";
My intention here is to expose above two as two service contracts/interfaces outside.
Now My question is how to define endpoints for these two service interfaces in app.config of this WCF Servicelibrary?
Thanks in advance