
How to editing in Datagridview and save new data into database

Bilal Salas

Bilal Salas

Dec 20 2010 11:43 AM

I am traying to get info from databse datagrideview then edit cells in datagrideview after finish editing i want to modifiy the database by a new data.
so I use the dataset to make that
1-bring data from database to dataset
2-from dataset to datagrideview
3-edit datagrideview
4-refill the dataset by the new gatagrideview values ./////here is the problem
5-update database.

I just want to ask if it is the ideal steps to do that?or is there a better ones?
and the second question :how can I do the step 4 (fill dataset from datagride view)???

thanks a lot

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