
How to filter records from DataTable for a condition ">=" ?

Sri Ram

Sri Ram


I have a datatable with columns like First Name, Middle Name, Last Name. I need to filter the records in C# for a condition like shown below.

Select * From Table Where LastName >= 'john'

How to apply this where condition and get the filtered results set that will have records whose last names are like John, Justine, K*****, L***, M***.....Z*** ( last names from J to Z as per alphabetical order)
This datatable is populated by executing a stored procedure and I can't apply the filter at stored proc level as data is encrypted in backend.
I'm able to get the results for equality operator using the below logic.
SQL vesion:  Select * From Table Where LastName like '%john%'
C# version: 
var employees = ( from e in dtEmployee.AsEnumerable()
                       where e.Field<string>("LastName").Contains("john")
                       select e ).ToList();
Similarly, need to use the >= operator. How to get records for this filter condition? Can anyone please help on this?
Answers (7)
Deepak Tewatia

Deepak Tewatia

13 15.6k 21.8k 1y
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Deepak Tewatia

Deepak Tewatia

13 15.6k 21.8k 1y
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