0 Hi Try this...
Select Max(Your_Table_PK) from Your Table;
if u have update system datetime to the Table
Select Max(updated_datetime) from your Table;
But i suggest don't use the Top or limit in your table
0 In that query last_user_update,object_id,object_name etc in given Database and Table name.
0 Thanks to every one. Finally i understood that it is not possible to get last modified record value , instead we can get last modified time only.
0 Hi Raja,
With that query can we get last updated row?
0 Hi, In your table structure any field is available created date /modified date ?
check it like
SELECT OBJECT_NAME(OBJECT_ID) AS DatabaseName, last_user_update,*
FROM sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats
WHERE database_id = DB_ID( 'AdventureWorks') --Here ur db name
AND OBJECT_ID=OBJECT_ID('test') --Here ur table name
more details check out below links
0 If you want to know when a record was last update, you should maintain a lastupdate column is table and update the value with current datetime everytime the record is updated
0 Hi,
I don't think there is any query available for fetching last modified record. Instead you can maintain a column for saving last updated time.