
How to load images in the program (Blob)?? PLZ help my



how to loading images(BLOB) to the table by useing VB.Net I will explane the the project first : I have 10 location(Area) and each Area has 15 platform and each platform has 11 images(BLOB) I have these images in the file now I want to loading this images to the table from the file by useing VB.Net to all platform in all location(Area) I shuld used loop function to loading all ******************* i will write some of step which I writen to be keep the concept neer to how want help me :: Dim myRow As DataRowView Me.DataView1.Sort = "PLATFORM_ID" MsgBox(Me.DataView1.Count) Dim xxx As Integer = Me.DataView1.Count For x As Integer = 1 To xxx - 1 myRow = Me.DataView1.Item(x) pltname = myRow.Item("PLATFORM_ID") For i As Integer = 0 To 11 myRow = Me.DataView1.Item(i) pltname = myRow.Item("PLATFORM_ID") Select Case i Case 0 fileName = "S:\Offshore_Data\" + pltname.Substring(0, 4) + "\" + pltname + "\" + pltname + "_north.jpg" Me.HsU_PictureBox1.Image_From_File = fileName myRow.BeginEdit() myRow.Item("NORTH_VIEW") = Me.HsU_PictureBox1.Image_To_Table myRow.EndEdit() case 1 fileName = "S:\Offshore_Data\" + pltname.Substring(0, 4) + "\" + pltname + "\" + pltname + "_north.jpg" Me.HsU_PictureBox1.Image_From_File = fileName myRow.BeginEdit() myRow.Item("NORTH_VIEW") = Me.HsU_PictureBox1.Image_To_Table myRow.EndEdit() End Select Next i Next x Me.Adapter_To_Load_Images.Update(Me.DataSet11.PLATFORM_IMAGES) I am wating your responding regards youth