
How to open the Excel(.xlsx) file embeded in Windowforms con

V G S Naidu A

V G S Naidu A

I am trying to display the Excel document in windows forms using the webbrowser Control.

using the code googled in Codeproject How to Integrate Excel in a Windows Form Application using the WebBrowser[^] and i am able to disaply excel(.xls and .xlsx) files in 32 bit Operating System correctly in webbrowser control.
But when i trying to execute the code in 64-bit operating system .xlsx type Excel files didn't open in webbrowser Control instead they were opening as normal excel file but .xls files opening correctly in webbrowser Control.
For that i executed the register Script to change the registry settings using the below link http://support.microsoft.com/kb/927009
but .xlsx files always Open separately as like Office excel file instead of opening it in webbrowser Controls.
Presently i am using Microsoft Office 2010 software as my office tool.
Please provide the solution to open the .xlsx files to be open in webbrowser control.
Thank you.