
How to pass a row of a datagriview to another form controls?

Manuel Osorio

Manuel Osorio

I have a Main Form(MDI)that Opens a form with a button(search) and controls.This button opens a Form 2 with a datagridview.
I need to pass a row of datagridview that is in Form 2 to Form 1 controls.
I open my form 1 :  
  1. Dim f1 As New form1  
  2. f1.MdiParent= Me  
  3. f1.Show()  
I open my form 2 (search button):
  1. Dim f2 As New form2  
  2. f2.ShowDialog()  
  3. f2.Dispose()  
Form2 has a datagridview and I use the event CellContentDobleClick:
  1. Private Sub dgv1_CellContentDoubleClick(sender As Object, e As DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles dgv1.CellContentDoubleClick  
  2. If (e.RowIndex = -1) Then  
  3. Return  
  4. End If  
  5. Dim dr As DataGridViewRow = dgv1.SelectedRows(0)  
  7. Me.Hide()  
  8. form1.Show()  
  10. form1.txtID.Text = dr.Cells(0).Value.ToString()  
  11. form1.txtNo.Text = dr.Cells(1).Value.ToString()  
  12. End Sub  
I think that I have to access to the  instance, but I don't Know How to do it. I need a simple explanation and example. Please
Thank you!! 
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