
How to proceed?

Wondering How

Wondering How

I'm completely new to C# and .NET, but I do know C.  I have to learn C# and ASP.Net and  SQL Server 2005 fast.  I have the Black C# 2005 programming book, Black SQL server 2005 guide and have access to both Visual studio 2005 and SQL server 2005 - all my resources are in place! The only problem when I develop a web application is that when I search a forum for a solution to a problem, I get lots of lines of code.  Even Black has a lot a coding, but no ABC about how to decide what to write in which function - I hope I'm being coherent!  For example, when you learn C, you are first told about a main() function and the basics of printf and "Hello World" - I can't seem to locate anything of the kind for either .Net or SQL server.  And (God Help Me) trying to bind the two together and making sense of all the coding is a nightmare!  Can someone help a newcomer - please!!  Just a step-by-step guide of what I should study first and then next, so that I can get something like an online e-mart application running.  thanks a lot - I'd really appreciate some quick replies and links if any.
Answers (5)