
How to retrieve tree view based on id from database table

madhu goud

madhu goud

am binding tree view from database ,i have 4 parents with their childs in my tree view am binding all parents with childs. But i want to bind only a particular parent with their childs , how to write query for that
My table

EmpID Name ReportsTo
1 Accounts 0
2 Branches 0
3 Loans 1
4 Incomes 2

Accounts, branches are parents loans incomes their childs
what is the query to return Accounts with childs
@helper GetTreeView(List<AccountsPageLayout.MasterNode> siteMenu, int parentID)
foreach (var i in siteMenu.Where(a => a.ReportsTo.Equals(parentID)))
@{var submenu = siteMenu.Where(a => a.ReportsTo.Equals(i.EmpID)).Count();}
@if (submenu > 0)
<span class="collapse collapsible">&nbsp;</span>
<span style="width:15px; display:inline-block">&nbsp;</span>
<a href="#">@i.Name</a>
@*<a href="@i.EmpID">@i.Name</a>*@
@if (submenu > 0)
@Treeview.GetTreeView(siteMenu, i.EmpID)
@* Recursive Call for Populate Sub items here*@
Answers (3)