
how to save update database update database into db local from database server through web services?

cone first

cone first

Apr 23 2011 11:39 AM
hi friends, i need your help. and iam beginner all about web services[vb .net]
i have two db: dbOutlet and dbServer on one PC for simulation.
i have two services WebMethode (GetDataGroup and updateDataGroup)for outlet,and one desktop app used to comsuming that services.
i have been able to retrive dataset from web services.this Dataset show in datagridview.

on local db i have been 3 datarow, whereas on db server 8 datarow group.

how to save update database update database into db local from database server through web services?
so that db local same with on db server.
please help me :-). give me sample code for this.

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