
How to send webrequest, get responses and display them

ker ko

ker ko

Hi guys,

It's been a few days that I'm trying to send a webrequest to a website successfully.

But first: I am working for a project at my school and I need to get some informations from a website and show this infos in a table.

The website needs some parameters like length, place and the apikey. Than the website should send me the infos I need as json-format.

Than I need to show this json infos in a table.

So how should I realise this ?
I don't know the syntax of webrequest and webresponse. I just copy and paste some samples from the internet and added my infos into the code but nothing happens.

I write a button and put the code in there. So if I click on this button absolutely nothing happens. I really need advanced help for this.

Sincerely k.k

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