
I add this code to my website in asp.net.

nisar md

nisar md

<input type="text" class="inputtex ttext_field" id="firstname" name="firstname" value="First Name" aria-required="true" placeholder="" aria-label="First Name"></input>

aand build it..It shows add css class for Ipputtext ttext_field....How I can download tht CSS class and add this to my website.
Answers (1)
Roei Bar

Roei Bar

NA 7.8k 0 15y

hey, i would recommend you to change your work, to work with CheckedListBox
you will have a CheckedItems Property in this, and the Value is the text in it, and if you want complex Object with multiple properties, you can have an object, and on the build just do an Override on the ToString for the displayed item Text and once you run all all Checked Items, you will have the ItemId, and by ItemId you can get any property in the ListView