
I Have an Idea




Hello, I have an idea for a web-based program.  I really don't know where to begin.  I saw this site and thought I might be able to get some insight as to how I proceed in making my concept a reality.

My vision is a tool to help users develop their own customized project plans.  I don't want to bore you with the details, but it essentially is writing a book (technical in nature) for an upcoming project where the user needs to customize the book for the needs of a given project.  The tool helps them with content and organization, and then compiles it in a Word or pdf format for printing.

I have developed a Visual Basic program for Microsoft Word that is a sort of prototype.  However, I think this would best be done via a web based program which I have no experience with.  It should be something that one can use on telephones (like an iPhone).

I'm just wondering if any kind soul here has some advice as to where I can get some very basic information as to how to get started.  I have some experience with Visual Basic and have written several programs over the years, but I'm self-taught and not really efficient and expert when it comes to writing code.  I can do enough for my own personal needs.

My idea is more of a business venture, so I'm thinking that I need to either get much better at learning/writing code, or maybe hiring someone is the way to go.

Is C# is the best programming language to use and, if so, is it realistic that I can learn this language on my own.  My idea is such that a very basic workable tool could be developed, deployed, and then expanded on as I learn more.

Any advice as to how I might get started is greatly appreciated.  Books?  Web site?  Anything at all would be helpful.  Thank you.

Answers (1)
Ankit  Shukla

Ankit Shukla

NA 503 24.8k 9y
 Please write this code on source code:
<asp:Button ID="Delete" runat="server" onclick="Delete_Click"
OnClientClick="javascript: return confirm('Are you sure want to Delete?')"
Text="Delete" />
Govinda Rajulu Yemineni

Govinda Rajulu Yemineni

NA 1.5k 233.1k 9y
generate OnRowDataBound event for Gridview and write the following code
protected void OnRowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
string item = e.Row.Cells[0].Text;
foreach (Button button in e.Row.Cells[2].Controls.OfType<Button>())
if (button.CommandName == "Delete")
button.Attributes["onclick"] = "if(!confirm('Do you want to delete " + item + "?')){ return false; };";
for more information please refer the following URL
 If you find anything helpful please accept my answer
Manas Mohapatra

Manas Mohapatra

NA 29.3k 3.3m 9y
Rajeesh Menoth

Rajeesh Menoth

NA 24.7k 628.9k 9y
Upendra Pratap Shahi

Upendra Pratap Shahi

NA 13.3k 861.3k 9y
Use below function-

function deleteArticle(hdnPostId, divContainer) {

if (confirm("Are you sure?"))



type: "POST",

url: "TestPage.aspx/DeleteArticle",

data: "{PostId: '" + hdnPostId + "'}",

contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",

dataType: "json",

success: function (data) {

$('#' + divContainer).hide();


failure: function (errMsg) {





return false;


in code behind call like this-

hypDelete.Attributes.Add("onclick","javascript:deleteArticle('"+hdnPostId.Value+"','"+divContainer.ClientID+"');return false;");

Govinda Rajulu Yemineni

Govinda Rajulu Yemineni

NA 1.5k 233.1k 9y
define one button like this
<asp:LinkButton ID="lbDelete" runat="server" OnClick="lbDelete_Click" OnClientClick="return fnConfirm();"> Delete</asp:LinkButton> 
write javascript function for button like
<script type="text/javascript">
function fnConfirm() {
if (confirm("The item will be deleted. Are you sure want to continue?") == true)
return true;
return false;
in lbDelete_Click event write the logic for deletion of item 
for more information please refer the following link
If you find anything helpful please accept my answer 
Nilesh Jadav

Nilesh Jadav

7 23.8k 5.7m 9y
Manas Mohapatra

Manas Mohapatra

NA 29.3k 3.3m 9y
Hi Murugavel,
Please find below code:  
<!DOCTYPE html>
      <p>Click the button to display a confirm box.</p>
      <asp:Button ID="btnDelete" onclientclick="return myFunction()"          OnClick="CallServerMethod()"
      <p id="demo"></p>
         function myFunction() {
            var result = confirm("Press a button!");
            if (result == true) {
               return true;
            } else {
               return false;
Murugavel S

Murugavel S

NA 81 7.7k 9y
Hello All,
         Thanks  a lot for ur Replies.. 
          Im sorry , in form I used <asp:commandfield> for delete .
         in that there is no property called  onclientclick and OnClick.
       so, how to display confirm msg before deleting item.?
      im using <asp:commandfield> for delete..
        Thanks in Advance