Inserting data into a database
I am using the following code, can any one help me i am trying to solve this problem science 3 days.
Urgent need please......
string cmdstr="INSERT INTO tblRegisteredUsers (UserID,TPwd,UserFName,UserLName) VALUES('"+UserId.Text+"', "+ " '"+Pwd.Text+"','"+FirstName.Text+"','"+LastName.Text+"')";
The data is not inserting into a table.....and giving the exception error that Index cant be empty.
But When I am trying to insert data like this its working.
string cmdstr="INSERT INTO tblRegisteredUsers (UserID,TPwd,UserFName,UserLName) VALUES ('aaa','aaa','aaa','aaa')";
Whats wrong with this.......
I am not using any ASP code.....its just c# and
Thanks a lot for hlep.