
InvokeMember("click") help

orcy bad

orcy bad

Hi! I would like to know if you could help with a fragment of code in c# please

I am automating a web page. The problem is that the server know when I do a false click. I'll explain you fast and simple. This is the form i want to auto submit:

<form name="form1" action="recruitloop.dt" method="get">
<input type="hidden" name="session" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="alliance" value="-1">
<input type="hidden" name="ticket" value="635818">
<input type="image" style="border=0px;" name="nextimg" id="nextimg" onclick="return validate();" src="/templates/blue/images/buttons/recruit2.gif">

If i do doc.Forms[0].InvokeMember("submit"); I will be redirected to h ttp://webpagename.com/recruiter/recruitloop.dt?session=&alliance=-1&ticket=635818

and if I do doc.GetElementById("nextimg").InvokeMember("click"); I will get h ttp://webpagename.com/recruiter/recruitloop.dt?session=&alliance=-1&ticket=635818&nextimg.x=0&nextimg.y=0

and if i do a real click i get h ttp://webpagename.com/recruiter/recruitloop.dt?session=&alliance=-1&ticket=635818&nextimg.x=46&nextimg.y=5

as you see X and Y changes. They are the position of the mouse relative to the botton. the size of the button is 100 times 10. So X goes from 0 to 100 and Y from 0 to 10.

if I do the InvokeMember("click"); the server will know am clicking always on 0,0. What i want is something random. But i don't know how to change this values. i can do a macros but i will loose control of the mouse and i don't like that.

I will really appreaciate any help. thanks.

Answers (2)