
Issue with entity framework core 2.0 using stored proc

Rahul Zanwar

Rahul Zanwar

I am using Entity Framework Core 2.0 in my WebAPI project and I have written multiple sotred procedures to perform database operations. Now for accessing the database, I am using EF Code First. Also I have defined the entities according to database tables I have. Now when I am trying to call stored procedures, I am facing issue with EF core 2.0.
My sotred procedures are written in a way that they are returning either subset of my database table, or related data generated using Joins. But I could not find way to call these stored procedures and get the result data using EF Core 2.0. I found that EF 2.0 does not support mapping of related data, which is not bound to some entity. Is there any workaround for it? 
Answers (1)
Bryian Tan

Bryian Tan

NA 9.4k 887.2k 7y
I think that the limitation in 2.0 where the return must be a type of an entity. You can try use SqlCLient, here is an example https://blog.bitscry.com/2017/09/14/sql-stored-procedure-in-net-core/ .
Or Create a new Entity that match the return from the Stored Procedure, I haven't try this before, but I think it should work. Example.

  1. var books = context.YourCustomEntityForSp
  2.   .FromSql("EXEC GetBooksByAuthor @AuthorId" , authorId)           
  3.   .ToList();