
Local System security is not allowing log creation

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Shiv Query

Shiv Query


Environment: -

OS: Windows Server 2003 32 bit


Exe Development IDE: - Visual Studio 2008

Exe Development Language: C#

Service Type: - As Local System


Problem Description: -

We have application, which creates Windows Service as name “Extract Service” in services.msc and it creates as “Local System”. On running service, application exe “Extract.exe” start and logs generate.

But, on one client, user has reported, that logs are not generating. It was very critical for application. We tried a lot and after that we changed Local System Service as user account.

Now everything is working fine and logs are generating.


Problem is this; application is running on many clients successfully as Local System in services.


What happened in this scenario, so that logs could not generate, not even it creates directory nor any file? Is there any security feature coming in process, because initially logs were creating in machine?


Kindly assist us to understand this scenario.

I will be really thankful.