
Localization with Exception:

sheik Mohamed

sheik Mohamed

I have an application with supporting localization stuff, currently its supporting only English and German language, i have a goal like "We should not translate the exception message and Log messages" because its for developer debugging purposes. So currently am struck in the following situation.
Situation: How do we handle the Logging + Exception + Show the exception in User interface, when we show the message to UI it is always translatable one. but logging should not.
Flow: Button -> Method1 -> Method2 -> Method3 -> Method4, am getting the exception in Method4, so its propogate to Method3,2,1.  Finally method 1 show this exception message to UI (Untranslated message).
Option1: We can translate the message from method4 and pass it low level and display it to UI (Translated text).
Difficulties: If we go with option1, its fine but method3 doing the logging the exception, which should not be translatable in this case, how do we handle this situation????
Should we need is: When this work flow if we do the logging in between we should not translate, and show to UI as translated text. 
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