A module is a portable executable file, such as type.dll or application.exe, consisting of one or more classes and interfaces. There may be multiple namespaces contained in a single module, and a namespace may span multiple modules.
One or more modules deployed as a unit compose an assembly.
Note that a .NET Framework module is not the same as a module in Visual Basic, which is used by a programmers to organize functions and subroutines in an application.
Practical Example
We have a solution with 2 projects with classes
1st project has below classes. This is a new WindowsForm project
public partial class Form1 : Form
2nd project has below class. This is a new clas library
public class Class2
Now build solution as it will build our 2 projects
Below is the code to get the Module name for our 1st project class and you will get "WindowsFormsApplication1.exe" , project compiled file name
Form1 frm = new Form1();
Module m1 = frm.GetType().Module;
Below is the code to get the Module name for our 2nd project class and you will get "ClassLibrary1.dll" , project compiled file name
Class2 c1 = new Class2();
Module m = c1.GetType().Module;

hey thanks jaish..the explanation was helpful