Moving from Powerbuilder to .Net
Hi all, I am a new guy in C# and VS 2008 and trying to figure out how to do a few things.
Maybe I should let you know that I have been using Powerbuilder for
some years now, and I am a used to doing DBMS related stuff quite quick
and easy. As it seems up to now, things are totally different with C#
and the "Quick & Easy" moto is already put aside.
Anyway, here are the "few" things I would like to find out how to implement in C# (VS 2008).
I am not asking for the code for this but for some directions on what
controls (MS or others) I can use to achieve such functionality.
1) Generate a Table/List & Form view of data by issuing an SQL statement.
For Example:
SELECT name,surname,state,balance FROM Customers WHERE companyId = 1;
This should produce a Table/List view for the user to browse his customers;
2) Change the where clause in runtime to filter data.
After the user has viewed the customers he decided that he doesn't
need a list of 30.000 customers and wants to filter out some of them.
Thus I would like to change the "WHERE" clause in runtime like that: "
WHERE companyID = 1 AND state = 'CA' " according to user's request.
This means that I must somehow have a way to identify the SQL statement
table,fields,where clause in runtime and replace the SQL statement with
the user's criteria.
3) Now the user wants to "Edit" one entry so he double clicks on one
and then he enters a "Form View" mode which is created using another
SQL and contains more fields than the simple list.
After completing his changes he "Saves" and goes back to "List mode"
4) Now the user wishes to export the list to some kind of file like CSV,Excel,PDF etc. Is that possible somehow?
And finally the application must have some reports.
After writing our SQL statement we "design" the report layout and give that to our user too.
Then the user is not satisfied again and wants to filter out some
records. Same logic should be applied: "replace the SQL where clause"
with the user's criteria.
Finally export that report to Excel,PDF etc.
Sorry for the long post.