
Need help drawing node like map

chris crain

chris crain

I am trying to display a node like minimap in a winform (similar to original zelda game),

The information for the room/nodes looks like this in the database:

Map Number, Room Number, North,   South,       East,  West,   NE, NW, SE, SW, UP, Down
        1        ,         1           ,    1/3,   1/100,   1/1381, 1/101,   0 ,    0,   0,   0,   0,   0

each of the exits values represents a room it is connected to, example North is connected to Map 1, Room 3

So I am trying to build a graphical representation of what is in the database, but I am grasping at straws here!
Here is what I have so far.

Structure to hold the Room information:

    public struct ROOM_DATA
            public int _MapNumber;
            public int _RoomNumber;
            public EXIT_DATA _ED;
            public Rectangle _RoomGraphic;


     public struct EXIT_CONNECTOR
            public int _MapNumber;
            public int _RoomNumber;
        public struct EXIT_DATA

            public List<string> _Exits;
            public List<EXIT_CONNECTOR> _Connector;


I am using a dictionary to hold all the room information.

  Dictionary<uint, ROOM_DATA> rooms = new Dictionary<uint, ROOM_DATA>();

I am using a function to encode a key for each room for easy access later on.

        // Room data is as follows bits 31-16 = map number, 15-0 = room number
        private UInt32 encodeKey(int map, int room)
            UInt32 keyCode = 0;

            keyCode = (uint)(map << 16);
            keyCode |= (uint)room;

            return keyCode;

I have a function to retrieve the data from the database.

        private void buildMapData()

            string searchRoom = "SELECT * FROM Rooms WHERE `Map Number` = 1";
            DataTable roomData = database_interface.queryDataBaseForInformation(searchRoom);
            ROOM_DATA rd = new ROOM_DATA();

            for (int rIndex = 0; rIndex < roomData.Rows.Count; rIndex++)
                rd = new ROOM_DATA();

                DataRow data_row = roomData.Rows[rIndex];

                rd._MapNumber = (int)data_row["Map Number"];
                rd._RoomNumber = (int)data_row["Room Number"];

                rd._ED = collectExits(data_row);

                rooms.Add(encodeKey(rd._MapNumber, rd._RoomNumber), rd);



The collectExits function is a huge mess of detecting if the exit columns have data and if so collects the exit and room it's exiting too.

So now I need a way to draw all those rooms out on the winform or WPF connect them with lines representing direction. This is where my limited skillset comes to a halt, I can draw rectangles and lines but I have no way of connecting them together in a map like fashion hopefully someone can help!

Oh and the map would be moving as the player moves along in the rooms:)

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