
.NET General - using "code behind file (*.aspx.cs ).........

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Ray  Grant

Ray Grant

10 years ago
Hello. "simple  question"
 I have a list of 5  <asp:RadioButton's "joined" by assigning EACH RadioButton the common "GroupName="ChoiceA""  Property.
I have ( in *.css file ) settings - EACH of my 5 RadioButtons have "style" similar to :
{   position : absolute;
    z-index : 10;
    top: ##%;  /* these 2 settings vary a bit, but actually - only "top" */
    left: ##%;
    width: 200px;
    height: 25px;
    color : #RRGGBB ;     /*  my 5 color choices are Red/Orange/Green/Blue/Purple   }
 WHEN a specific <asp:RadioButton> is chosen - I want my label
(<asp:Label ID="lblTester" CssClass ="styleLabelTester" runat="server" Text=" " ToolTip="lblTester" />)
to "report" choice - with the color ( forecolor ) "colored" same as Radio Button selected.
( Have the label "print to screen" in the selected color of associated <asp:RadioButton> )
Thanks, in advance.

Ray Grant

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