.net remoting, bug when the client start
I have been trying to use .net remoting to get access to two objects in the server (or instans).
First I created a dll file with the to interfaces, iCreateAccount("username") which return a iAccountOpperation object. The AccountOpperation interface is also described in the dll file (account interface).
Then I started with the server (bankServer), where i implement the classes CreateAccount and AccountOperation. The server runs fine when i start it. But when i start the client i get a error. I get following message when i try to create a CreateAccount("useraname")
The interface:
namespace accountInterface
// Account interface, returns an obj for opperation on that interface
public interface iBank
iAccOpp CreateAcc(string username);
// Account opperation interfaces
public interface iAccOpp{
//int GetAccount(string username)
int Credit(int ammount);
int Debet(int ammount);
string Status();
And here is the some code from the client file:
ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(new TcpClientChannel());
iBank bankService = (iBank)Activator.GetObject(typeof(iBank),
Console.WriteLine("Ready to call the iBank.CreateAccount object");
string username = "thanray";
ExceptExample testInstance = new ExceptExample();
---> acc = bankService.CreateAcc(username);
The client crash here (when i try to create a iAccout opperation object). I have been suffering with this in a couple days, withaout finding any solution.
Following msg i get in console:
Ready to call the iBank.CreateAccount object, and the excetpion:
---->In main catch block. Cought: No receiver registered.
Can any body help me please..