
Newbie question for Sharepoints Webservices.

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Hi! I'm working to develop a program who can use Sharepoints webservices to upload a file to a documentfolder at a Sharepoint site. The Sharepoints webservices: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/spptsdk/html/soapnsMicrosoftSharePointSoapServer2_SV01043862.asp So far I have figured out to upload a picture to a picture library, using the Upload method of the Imaging webservice. And I have figured out how to add a file to a list item, using the AddAttachment method of the Lists webservice. ... But ... What I want is to upload a file to a document library. Do anyone have a good clue to how I do this? --- I've tried to search the net for any hint, but I usually end up at the same page: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/odc_SP2003_ta/html/ODC_WritingCustomWebServicesforSPPT.asp But that's useless, because I'm not intending to write a custom web service. - Just only use those who allready exists!

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