
NP84 Calculating Stock Options




Hi Guys


NP84 Calculating Stock Options


In the program Number of stock options for Manager 9000. To calculate this a code is given. I couldn’t understand this code. Anyone knows please explain.


numberOfOptions += (ulong)r.Next(500);


Thank you


using System;


namespace Employees


   // Employee is the base class in this hierarchy. It serves to hold data & functionality

   // common to all employee types.

   abstract public class Employee


      // protected data for kids.

      protected string fullName;

      protected int empID;

      protected float currPay;

      protected string empSSN;


      #region Constructors


      public Employee() { } // Default ctor.


      public Employee(string FullName, int empID, float currPay, string ssn) // Custom ctor


         // Assign internal state data. Note use of 'this' keyword to avoid name clashes.

         this.fullName = FullName;

         this.empID = empID;

         this.currPay = currPay;

         this.empSSN = ssn;





      #region Methods


      public virtual void GiveBonus(float amount) // Bump the pay for this emp.

      { currPay += amount; }


      // Show state (could use ToString() as well)

      public virtual void DisplayStats()


         Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", fullName);

         Console.WriteLine("Pay: {0}", currPay);

         Console.WriteLine("ID: {0}", empID);

         Console.WriteLine("SSN: {0}", empSSN);





   public class Manager : Employee


      private ulong numberOfOptions;


      #region Constructors


      public Manager(string FullName, int empID, float currPay, string ssn, ulong numbOfOpts)

         : base(FullName, empID, currPay, ssn)


         // This point of data belongs with us!

         numberOfOptions = numbOfOpts;




      #region Methods and properties

      public override void GiveBonus(float amount)


         // Increase salary.



         // And give some new stock options...

         Random r = new Random();

         numberOfOptions += (ulong)r.Next(500);



      public override void DisplayStats()



         Console.WriteLine("Number of stock options: {0}", numberOfOptions);





   public class EmpApp


      public static int Main(string[] args)


         Manager chucky = new Manager("Chucky", 92, 100000, "333-23-2322", 9000);




         return 0;





Name: Chucky

Pay: 100300

ID: 92

SSN: 333-23-2322

Number of stock options: 9492


Answers (2)