open new aspx page after click event on dynamically created control
I am having difficulty with opening a new aspx page when the onclick event fires on a dynamically created button. The buttons and number of buttons are created based on records stored in a database/table for a customer.
This code is in the page load of the aspx.cs page:
String scriptString = "
And in the code behind of the Notes.aspx.cs page, I have included this in the page load:
extid = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["extid"]);
custid = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["custid"]);
However, when I run the app and click on the "QA Signoff" button, my Notes page comes up as "The page cannot be found".
I've set breakpoints and stepped through the code, but am not able to identify the problem.
Any suggestions? Thanks for your help.