overloading the this operator?
Can the 'this' operator be overloaded? I'd like to overload it somehow so that it was no longer read only but don't really know anything about operator overloading.
Answers (1)
'this' is Pointer not operator ..
by operator overloading mechanism you can overload operators only not the pointers Here is list of operator that is over loadable ...
+ |
- |
* |
/ |
% |
^ |
& |
| |
~ |
! |
, |
= |
< |
> |
<= |
>= |
++ |
-- |
<< |
>> |
== |
!= |
&& |
|| |
+= |
-= |
/= |
%= |
^= |
&= |
|= |
*= |
<<= |
>>= |
[] |
() |
-> |
->* |
new |
new[] |
delete |
delete[] |