
Parsing an XMl File

ramesh margapuri

ramesh margapuri

I need to parse an xml File in C#...The File will look some thing like this....
- <book>
<list_name>Chapter Books</list_name>
- <book_details>
- <book_detail>
<title>THE LOST HERO</title>
<description>A return to Camp Half-Blood and semi-divine characters old and new.</description>
<contributor>by Rick Riordan</contributor>
<author>Rick Riordan</author>
<contributor_note />
<age_group>Ages 10 and up</age_group>
- <isbns>
- <isbn>
- <reviews>
- <review>
<book_review_link />
<first_chapter_link />
<sunday_review_link />
- <book>
<list_name>Chapter Books</list_name>
- <book_details>
- <book_detail>
<title>THE GIFT</title>
<description>A sister and brother flex their new powers; a Witch and Wizard book.</description>
<contributor>by James Patterson and Ned Rust</contributor>
<author>James Patterson and Ned Rust</author>
<contributor_note />
<age_group>Ages 10 and up</age_group>
<publisher>Little, Brown</publisher>
- <isbns>
- <isbn>
- <isbn>
- <reviews>
- <review>
<book_review_link />
<first_chapter_link />
<sunday_review_link />
<article_chapter_link />

The data between tags book is one record. Now the second record contains two ISBN13 & two ISBn10's so such kind of data should be populated as 2 records in the table(with everything same but different ISBN10's & ISBN13's) Thanks in advance
Answers (2)