
Problem in ToolStripButton (.Net 2008, Framework 3.5).



I have an editable datagridview that's been databound with dataadapter
and datatable, and a normal button on a form. When i edit the dgv's
cells and click the save button it fires the
datagridview_cellvalidating event and if the cell validation is correct
it updates and saves the current record to the datasource. Also, before
save it commits change in any cell under editing.
But when I use a toolstripbutton to do the same work, though it saves
the dgv records but doesn't update the current change i.e. it saves the
old records that are being fetched when the dgv was populated first
during form load. Also, clicking the toolstripbutton doesn't fire
datagridview_cellvalidating, datagridview_rowvalidating etc events.
What it seems to be is it's not commiting the change in any cell under
editing. Example-

Dgv While load:

CustomerID    Customer    Inactive
C01        Max        Yes
C02        John        No
C03        Alex        Yes

Dgv while edit but before clicking toolstrip save button:

CustomerID    Customer    Inactive
C01        Max        Yes
C02        Tim        Yes
C03        Alex        Yes

Dgv after clicking the toolstrip save button:

CustomerID    Customer    Inactive
C01        Max        Yes
C02        John        No
C03        Alex        Yes

Why isn't it happening and how can I make it work? Please Help. Please
also let me know how can I fire datagridview_cellvalidating,
datagridview_rowvalidating and other events; and commit cell value
change by clicking toolstripbutton. Regards.