
Problem updating data in VB express

saonua roi

saonua roi

Hi, 1> I think I missed something basic here but not sure what it is. I have this simple datagridview displaying a record of a table (in SQl Server) in my VB form. I run the appz, change the data in some column in the gridview, click save button in the bindingNavigator then exit out. When I run the appz again, that data in the dataset is updated which is great. Next, I open SQL Server and do a "select" on that table. I got the same old data. I did have this code in the form: Private Sub ContactBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ContactBindingNavigatorSaveItem.Click Me.Validate() Me.ContactBindingSource.EndEdit() Me.ContactTableAdapter.Update(Me.AdventureWorks_DataDataSet.Contact) End Sub I also have the "Copy to output directory " properties of the .mdf and .xsd set to "copy if newer" Why the data is it updated in the dataset but not updated in the relying db in SQL server? what went wrong? 2- If I added a 2nd datagridview and a 2nd bindingNavigator for another table in the same form. The "save" button in the second bindingNavigator is missing. What is going on? Thanks for your help. roisaonua ;[