
Problem with Crystal Report with Dataset Using Visual Studios 2008.

Rajesh Kumar

Rajesh Kumar


Good Morning,

This is Rajesh, am having a problem with Crystal Report in ASP.NET with C# using Visual Studios 2008. That is

1.       I have created a DataSet and drag one "View" from Solution Explorer.

2.       Next I have created one Crystal Report add data from Project data -> ADO.NET Datasets -> "View".

3.       Then created a webform add a TextBox for enter date (I want report based on date field DOP on database) and a button called "BtnShow" and Witten code under the button is as follows.

protected void BtnShow_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


        SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection();

  cn.ConnectionString =    ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DBConn"].ConnectionString;

        SqlDataAdapter adp = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT EMP_ID, EMP_NAME, BANK_NAME, AC_NO, DOP FROM VIEW WHERE DOP = '" +Convert.ToDateTime(TxtDate.Text)+ "'", cn);

        DataSet DS = new DataSet();


        ReportDocument cr = new ReportDocument();

        cr.Load("C:\\Report Path Here\\Report.rpt");


        CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = cr;



4.  When I run the project it working perfectly alright for different date which was in database.

5.  But the problem is when I attempt to export or print or any option in the report header (Default options), it asks the login details. If I enter correct details then it didn't show anything, It shows only login page again and again.

6.  What to do?

7.  Kindly help me. Thanks.

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