Reports on Visual Studio... Which one is best and easiest?
I am trying to decide which report builder/generator is best and easiest for me to use.
1) I have tried: Pebbles Report tool and I really like it but its too new and does not have enough options.
2) I have tried: Report Builder 3.0 and its OK, but can not get it to work correctly with VS2010. Maybe its something that I am doing incorrectly.
3) Crystal Reports 2010. I have been looking where I can download it, but have not found where.
4) MS Excel... Its nice... But: How would I execute the Excel worksheet from my forms.
Answers (7)
Here is the sample code (not tested)
//Get all config files from directory
string[] files = Directory.GetFiles (sourceDirectory, "*.config")
loop through each file,
Read file line by line
var fileStream = new FileStream(@"c:\file.config", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(fileStream, Encoding.UTF8))
string line;
while ((line = streamReader.ReadLine()) != null)
// process the line
//process ur end point here
Thanks Sameer, but can you please help me with the code.
first you need to find/prepare regular expression for endpoint string format.
Later you can read text of each file and find the matching text