
Request: Looking for Beta Testers of a VS C# Code Browser

Ken Cooper

Ken Cooper


We are now looking to expand our beta test a bit more. If you are a VS C# developer looking for better productivity, we'd love to have you try it out.

Briefly, CodeSkipper is a code browser, implemented as a toolwindow addin to Visual Studio, that allows you to navigate code more efficiently and with greater clarity.  With it you can navigate to code elements quickly with the keyboard, see different slices of code based on many criteria, dynamically view code as a hierarchy, keep multiple contexts as you code, and even sort code by various criteria. 

You can find more information on CodeSkipper's website, http://www.codeskipper.net.

If you are interested in participating, there is no registration process, you can just download the product. But we would love any feedback you could provide, either in our forums or via email.


Ken Cooper
