
Retrieve value from the parameter in web service Get Method

Hello c# Corner,
 I want to Retrieve value(data) from the parameter in web service Get Method  and save to JSON. This is the Function that gets Data(values) from the client side. I and I want to save it to JSON then I will use to charge the Customer Card.

public string GetSubscriptionRequest(string Name, string Email, string CardNumber, string ExpirationMonth, string ExpirationYear, string CardCVV)

return Name + "," + Email + "," + CardNumber + "," + ExpirationMonth +"," + ExpirationYear + "," + CardCVV;
//Please, Anybody to help with JSON Function to retrieve the Data(values) from the parameters which are above.....// Code Here
catch (Exception ex)
throw new NotImplementedException(ex.Message );
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