Thanks Kirtan for clarifying, I seriously didn't know about it.
I am sorry about my earlier post.
Friend .,
you can do it with
rundll32.exe of the windows
RUNDLL.EXE <dllname>,<entrypoint> <optional arguments>
you will get additional information from here
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Either your exe will have all the functionalities or you'll have to get another exe (for decryption in your case). YOU CANNOT EXECUTE .DLL FILE.
please mark as answerd if helpful.
I think i know what you mean, the dll that u referring is the one we created with class library.
But just to reconfirm, when i download this encyption software it said it have 2 active component, one with X.exe and one with Y.dll. when i run X.exe, it become decryption. so that mean im lake of one exe that is for encrypt. When i check is registry, i assume that, this Y.dll is used to encrypt. but I'm not sure. So this Y.dll is a library or execution file?
a file with .dll extension is also an assembly (unit of deployment), but you can't run it directly by using any command. It is basically a library which can be referenced in another assembly (.exe).
In short you can reference a dll in your project and use its types and methods in your source code.