
Skin Care Tips And Basic Skin Care Regimen

juliel rich

juliel rich

You where the oil me where you can check for you oil and talks a little bit about changing oil you come inside my car I'll show you how-to of like case you know is a little lever in here that says trunk release it's right here you just pull back in postcards it's located here are up here okay so look for it they are usually has a La Lumieres picture of a car on it I have a piece of tell paper with will I'm going to show you how to check your oil you raise the hood of your car K and this is what the inside a car looks like know it's very nice to me everything else position the weight needs to be I'm here and if you don't know your particular car where your dipsticks just look at your car diagram in the beginning of the owner’s manual lace our everything yes this is my engine oil dipstick this is the oil whether oil goes okay this is the dipstick all you do is gently pull it out if you want to check the oil just grab it here guided so you don't touch well to anything out it's pretty long cut all the way into the oven and it's got fuel going up it's also got writing on it tells you where the maximum is and where you have to add fuel so when.
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