
Slow Array Parsing (using Lists)

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Will Read

Will Read

Hi All,

I'm loading in some data from an Oracle DB and finding it's reaaaaaally slow. It's about 65,000 customers I'm loading in and it takes about 30 mins to run.

I've tried a few different array types and settled on List (I read that the strongly typed collection was one of the best), but it's bloody awful.

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

     class Customer : IComparable
         //create a constructor
         public Customer()
         public string Code;
         public string Name;
         public string GenericPriceListName;
         public string GenericPriceListType;
         public string PriceList;
         public string DiscountList;
         public string ExceptionList;
         public string PromotionList;
         // implement IComparable interface
         public int CompareTo(object obj)
             if (obj is Customer)
                 return this.Code.CompareTo((obj as Customer).Code);  // compare user names
             throw new ArgumentException("Object is not a Customer");
 class Program
  private static List<Customer> GetCustomerList(OleDbConnection myOleDbConnection)
            OleDbCommand myOleDbCommand;
            OleDbDataReader myOleDbDataReader;
            List<Customer> listOfCustomers = new List<Customer>();

            myOleDbCommand = myOleDbConnection.CreateCommand();

            StringBuilder sqlStatement = new StringBuilder();
            sqlStatement.Append("Select * from Customers");

            myOleDbCommand.CommandText = sqlStatement.ToString();

            myOleDbDataReader = myOleDbCommand.ExecuteReader();


            while (myOleDbDataReader.Read())

                Customer currentCustomer = new Customer();
                currentCustomer.Code = myOleDbDataReader.GetString(0);
                currentCustomer.Name = myOleDbDataReader.GetString(1);
                currentCustomer.GenericPriceListName = myOleDbDataReader.GetString(2);
                currentCustomer.GenericPriceListType = myOleDbDataReader.GetString(3);


                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Extracting account {0}", currentCustomer.Name));


            return listOfCustomers;

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