
Somebody help me on sending e-mails please

Morcos Adel

Morcos Adel

i am trying to figure out a way on sending e-mails without using outlook or opening an explorer but i have a little problem which is the program builds ok and without any warnings but an exception with "Failure sending mail" appears on a message box and i don't know why is that....So please any body help me....................!!!!!
thanks in advance......
the code is:


                //Create MailMessage Object
                MailMessage email = new MailMessage();

                //Specifying From,Sender & Reply to address
                email.From = new MailAddress("[email protected]");
                email.Sender = new MailAddress("[email protected]");
                email.ReplyTo = new MailAddress("[email protected]);

                // Email
                email.To.Add("[email protected]");

                //Subject of email
               email.Subject = "This is a test Mail";

                email.Body = "This is the body of this message";

                //Create an object for SmtpClient class
                SmtpClient mail_client = new SmtpClient();

                //Providing Credentials (Username & password)
                NetworkCredential network_cdr = new NetworkCredential();
                network_cdr.UserName = "xxxxxx";
                network_cdr.Password = "xxxxxxx";

                mail_client.Credentials = network_cdr;

                //Specify the SMTP Port
                mail_client.Port = 25;

                //Specify the name/IP address of Host
                mail_client.Host = "smtp.mail.yahoo.com";

                //Uses Secure Sockets Layer(SSL) to encrypt the connection
                mail_client.EnableSsl = true;

                // Send the message

                MessageBox.Show("Email Sent Successfully");
            catch (Exception ex)
                //Exception occured
and the port is opened from the windows firewall...but it still is not working
the exception is
"A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond"
i can't understand why it doing this so i really need help
somebody please.................
thanks again..

Answers (2)